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Catfish Tackle |  Catfish Venues in Spain


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Catfish Venues in Spain

Catfish Tackle |  Catfish Venues in Spain

Colin has been fishing the river Ebro system in Spain since March 1990 and was one of the first British anglers to pioneer the fishing on the river Ebro system for the wels catfish with unrivalled success.

He was instrumental in the development of what is now called the buoy system, he was the first to use eels as bait with this method and he was the first to target catfish with Halibut pellets which has become the standard method in Spain for catching catfish.

His success soon echoed throughout the catfish world with his amazing catches, although he did keep it to himself for a number of years until he started firstly, Catmaster Tackle in 1996 followed by a move to Spain in 2000 to start Catmaster Tours. He successfully ran Catmaster Tours for 18 years helping thousands of anglers achieve their angling ambitions before passing the business over to the new owners.

Since then, Colin has missed the guiding so much he is now offering personal guiding himself to small groups of 2-6 anglers for just a few weeks each year through the months of March, April, July, August, September, October, November and December.
He is only going to be guiding for one or possibly two weeks of each month, so availability will be limited. The experience he is offering you is either to be guided by Colin like normal guided tours or you can fish along with Colin who will also be your guide, it’s your choice and your experience. You can be as involved with the fishing as you choose, you can leave all the work to Colin or you can let Colin show you how to do everything including making rigs and be involved with baiting methods, landing and handling the fish and finally releasing the fish.

Expert Catfishing in Spain with Ebro Expert River Ebro Fishing Tours

Colin’s own personal catches have accounted for numerous record catches and he has personally caught over 800 Catfish of 100lb plus and many over the magical 200lb plus with his personal best over 220lb (100kg) in weight which was over 8.5ft (2.5m) long and also many powerful Carp to over 60lb (30kg) from the river.

His knowledge of the river Ebro system, the wildlife and the surrounding area is extensive having fished in Mequinenza for more than 30 years and living there for more than 20 years, he has fished during every month of the year, during all sorts of adverse weather conditions, from extreme heat to freezing temperatures and also during floods and droughts. He can therefore offer you the very best guiding available with the knowledge he has gained throughout these years so he can help you catch the fish of your dreams.

Catfish Tackle |  Catfish Venues in Spain

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